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THE WHEEL © 2008 Larry Suess

I. I have walked through this land like a soldier beside you

Through detours and downpours we strode side by side

Still I caught a great light in the corner of my vision

Now I blink in surprise ‘cause it’s right before my eyes.



And the wheel keeps on turning as the world spins slowly ‘round.

In my dreams there’s a yearning following that unmistakable sound


II.   On the wind through the trees it is carried from silence

On the breath of the breeze it is whispered along

Now it gathers its might as it flows through the canyon

To a thundering cascade of earth-shaking sound. (Chorus)


BRIDGE: Like a true band of brothers we overturned stones

Now I’ve got some boulders to toss on my own (solo) (Chorus)


III. Deep within every heart lies a voice that is calling

The song of our soul longs to be set free

So open the door, let it ring out forever

The sound of our dreams full of possibility (Chorus) (Chorus)

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